“ You Have Your Mother’s Eyes”-  2023 Acrylic on canvas - 48x60 

“A portrait of Prarathon Rathore and Mother- Captured circa -2002  layered with a tapestry special to her family and their culture that represents a special bond that connects them to the past and present.”

“Cut from a new cloth” 2023 - Acrylic, silver gilded paint, and rhinestones on canvas.

This new generation is inspired to change the world. Taking pieces from their family, history, and communities to create and form their own identity and make a new pattern for the future. At a time we were cut from the same cloth, but now they are creating a whole new pattern for others to pull from.” - Description: Portrait featuring Tiffany Hardimon A leading woman in the medical field. 

"Woven to her" 2023- Acrylic on canvas 46x60

“My childhood best friend and her Abuelita when they were both younger. Capturing a moment in time when they were still together before she passed.”

"Material Girl" 2023- Acrylic on canvas 36x48

“Enriched diverse communities produce those who contribute to new invitations in fashion, arts, and culture. When I think of individuals who add to creating an energetic welcoming atmosphere, I often find those who already surround my inner circle. Their creativity is vibrant and beautifully blended. Like a beautiful plaid fabric. Rich with color and unique In its form.”


Solo 2023


A Modern Renaissance: Culture and Religion 2022